King’s DNA Clinic

One test; a lifetime of insights

King’s College Hospital is a pioneer in the field of Preventative Medicine and is the first hospital in the UAE to successfully launch the full genome test in a preventative setting. King’s DNA Clinic offers a range of genetic tests to help kick start your wellness journey. The DNA screenings are evidence-based, supported by extensive research in Preventive Genomics and backed by the vast expertise in Genomic Healthcare solutions at Dante Genomics.

Whether you’re looking for ways to enhance your diet, boost your fitness, or improve your general well-being, King’s DNA Clinic has a solution for you. Get an in-depth analysis of your entire genome, including a consultation with one of our genetic specialists.


Customised Health and Wellness Starts With Your DNA

While you might not be able to alter your DNA, you can certainly enhance your lifestyle and live the healthiest version of yourself. Make wellness a part of your everyday life and take control of your health with King’s revolutionary product, LiveGen, which provides actionable insights across hundreds of health parameters

5 Personalised reports, for the price of 1


Eat smarter and lose weight. Insights on the optimum mix of macro and micronutrients you need to maintain peak health.

Scientific Fitness:

over 100 fitness parameters to help you hone your fitness routine


Eat smarter and lose weight. Insights on the optimum mix of macro and micronutrients you need to maintain peak health.


Eat smarter and lose weight. Insights on the optimum mix of macro and micronutrients you need to maintain peak health.


Eat smarter and lose weight. Insights on the optimum mix of macro and micronutrients you need to maintain peak health.

King’s DNA Clinic

One test; a lifetime of insights

For those who want a more detailed analysis, King’s DNA Clinic offers the Whole Genome Sequence (WGS), a comprehensive, high-resolution view of your genetic makeup. Unlike Whole Exome Sequencing, which analyses only targeted areas of the genome, WGS can detect the most minute changes in your entire genome.

You will be provided with a detailed report commenting on cancer risks, inherited disorders, cardiovascular diseases and much more. A consultation is then booked with our clinical geneticist, who will go through your results and discuss any concerns

Choose the package which suits your requirements

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